
Chairs used for camping range from simple folding designs to extravagant chairs that allow the user to recline in a lounging position. Prices start at under $15 and can go up to over $100, depending on the features offered and materials used on the chair. Simple folding chairs consist of two parts connected by a strap on either side. These seats are folded open and closed, and do not have legs. Folding seats are best suited for use on a picnic table bench, or other hard surface. Camping enthusiasts who would like a more sturdy, yet affordable, choice may want to look at collapsible chairs. These chairs often times include a handy carrying case and take up little space, which can be limited when packing for a camping trip. Collapsible chairs are offered in several styles, colors, and price ranges. If you want extra support for your rear, collapsible chairs that hold up to 1400 pounds are available.
Maybe you prefer to relax in a reclined position while enjoying the great outdoors. If so, a lounge chair might be right up your alley. Lounge camping chairs run between $40 and $60, but are extremely comfortable. These chairs are not space savers, and at the most, only fold up in half. Not a good choice for those that need to pack all of their equipment and supplies into a small space.
Camping out in the wilderness where a fresh water source, such as a community spigot or natural spring, is not available requires the use of camping water filter. Filters remove harmful bacteria from the water that is accessible, which is important if you want to enjoy your camping trip without gut wrenching illness. Portable water filters are a great way to prepare water that is safe for human consumption, and they don't take up a terrible amount of space. Price tags start at under $40 and go up to over $65.
No matter which style of chair you would like to bring along on your camping trip, it can be found on the web by searching for camping chairs. It is a good idea to visit a local store that carries the chair you are thinking about purchasing, so you can sit in the chair and see it in person before you find the perfect bargain online. When comparing camping water filters, be sure to read several reviews on websites such as Amazon or camping supply online stores.
You can read other articles on my site about finding a camp chair filter or finding a camping water filter. Now you can enjoy the great outdoors in comfort.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Schumpeter
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